Fill out the form and send your application and other supporting documents by email to
1. Surname/Family/ Last Name (as in passport) 2. First Name(s) (as in passport)
__________________________________ ______________________________
3. Title (Mr. /Mrs. etc.) 4. Sex ( X )
__________________________________ Male Female
5. Do you require a student visa to study in Greece? ( X )
Yes No
6. Nationality
8. Date of Birth (DD\MM\YYYY)
Iif yes in 5 please answer 9-10-11
9. Passport Issue Date (DD\MM\YYYY)
10. Passport Expirationy Date (DD\MM\YYYY) 11. Passport Number
__________________________________ _________________________________
12. Place of Birth
14. Home Address 15. Correspondence Address (if different)
___________________________________ _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________
17. Academic qualification (obtained or to be obtained)
Name of college/University/ Awarding educational body (state country) |
Start date (Month/year)
End Date (Month/year)
(expected if not graduated yet) |
Qualificatione.g. BA, BSc, MA | Degree title: |
Overall class or/and grade
(expected if not graduated yet) |
18. English Language
Is English your first language? ( X )
If no, please provide details to one of the below
Score:______________ Date:____________
Cambridge Proficiency Certificate
Score: ______________ Date:_____________
Score: ______________ Date: _____________
ELS-EGS English examination
Contact us to arrange your examination
19. Other Languages
Language |
Level (Basic / Medium / High / Fluent) |
20. Professional experience
Country |
Start date (Month/year)
End date (Month/year)
Employment type (ex. full time) |
Position held and main duties |
21. Supplementary Supporting Statement
Describe your academic interests, reasons for applying, your career objectives and outline any other relevant experiences including workshops or short courses, as well as non-academic achievements. (400-600 words)
24. Knowledge of the EGS
How did you find out about MCPP program?
25. Disability / Special Needs
Do you have a disability? Please ( X )
If YES, please specify: ________________________________________________________
26. Referees
Give the details of the one or two people who are willing to provide reference(s) if asked.
Name |
Position |
Address |
Tel |
Name |
Position |
Address |
Tel |
28. Applicant’s Declaration
To the best of my knowledge, the information on this application is accurate and complete. (Please note that the EGS reserves the right to refuse admission or to terminate a student’s attendance should it be discovered that he/she has made a false statement or has omitted significant information. If you are offered a place, you will be required to provide original evidence of your qualifications.)
Signature__________________________ Date_______________