If you encounter some problems kindly send us an email to info@elgs.eu

Foundation Course Application form

Please carefully fill-in the form and click  "Submit" in order to apply to this course
Please select below
1. Personal Details
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2. Visa Details
3. Address
4. Academic Qualifications (obtained or to be obtained)
doc,docx,pdf | 2MB Max
doc,docx,pdf | 2MB Max
doc,docx,pdf | 2MB Max
5. English Language
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6. Other Languages
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doc,docx,pdf | 2MB Max
doc,docx,pdf | 2MB Max
7. Professional Experience
8. Personal Statement
9. Knowledge of the ELGS
10. Payment details

In order for your application to be processed you need to deposit 50€. For online payment click here or pay via wire transfer.

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11. Applicant's Declaration*
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Terms and Conditions for Educational Programs
Students are advised to submit their applications and proceed with payment of the application fee as soon as they decide to participate to the program, as places are limited. Please note that with the exception of non-refundable application fee, no payments should be made to the EPLO prior to the receipt of an admission’s letter, which is a written notification accepting applicants to a program. Read the full terms and conditions here