10 October

Open Lecture by Professor Jakub Handrlica

Jakub Handrlica Full Professor in Administrative Law, Charles University in Prague OPEN LECTURE @ELGS  26 October 2022, 16:00-17.30, EPLO Roman Agora premises TITLE: Non-recognized states in transnational administrative law The …

14 July

Applications’ deadline extended

You stilll have some time left to apply for our LLB or Bachelors , our ELGS LLM or Masters and PhD degree programs. Applications’ deadline has been extended to September …

04 May

Law Tech Webinar

ELGS Webinar LawTech: Policy, Practice and Education Date and time: 13 May 2022, h. 18.00-20.00 (Athens time zone) Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ly7lp9lNQDGtfIOXoVxb8w Join us for FREE The LawTech industry is growing …

17 May

Open Class by Professor Jean-Bernard Auby

The ELGS organizes a series of lectures every year free for the public. On May 21 at 18.00 (Athens time zone)  join us to watch an open lecture by Professor Jean-Bernard Auby, Professor Emeritus …

28 April

Open Class by Giacinto Della Cananea

The ELGS organizes a series of lectures every year free for the public On May 14 at 17.00 join us to watch a lecture by Professor Giacinto Della Cananea, President of the ELGS Faculty …

19 March

Call For Resident Lecturers and Fellows

The European Law and Governance School (ELGS) is a higher education institution established by European Public Law Organization (EPLO), an international organization, dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge …